
AUGUST 15th - Fire in the Sky Meteor Showers and Rocks from Space

Fire in the Sky Meteor Showers and Rocks from Space 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM The annual Perseid meteor shower will once again be visible from CT, with peak viewing this year between Aug. 15 and 17. Bill Herbst, a retired astronomy professor and Killingworth resident, will discuss the phenomena of meteors and meteorites in non-technical language accessible to precocious 4th graders and anyone older. The talk will be followed, weather permitting, by an observing session at Deer Lake led by the Shoreline Astronomical Society. All are welcome. Admission is free. Registration is required for the talk at the library , but please feel free to drop in for the observing session, which should begin at Deer Lake around 8:45. LOCATION: Killingworth Library REGISTER HERE

June 2024 Club Update

  Hi All, A brief recap for June 2024 on activities the Shoreline Astronomical Society participated in. June 1st we hosted an observation night and scaled solar system walk with a local scout troop and had approximately 20 attendees.  Our June 13th Meeting we learned about the NASA Night Sky Network from club member Deb Fennell. The presentation highlighted the benefits of being a member club in the NASA NSN and the materials and support they provide to manage, organize and enable outreach activities.  Observing afterward was enjoyable, albeit a nearly first quarter moon did wash out some of the DSO's for us novices :)  Club members have been meeting (informally) at Salt Meadow Park for impromptu observing sessions.  Emails are sent to members of the club to alert them of these informal sessions. Hope to see you all soon at our July meeting on 07/11/2024 at 7:30 PM at Deer Lake Outdoor Center.

May 9th Special Meeting - Guest Speaker Dr. Elliot Horch

This month's meeting features a special guest speaker! Dr. Elliot Horch of the Southern Connecticut University Physics Department will give a talk titled: "Ultra-High Resolution in a Suitcase: Measuring Stellar Diameters with the Southern Connecticut Stellar Interferometer (SCSI)" The talk will run from 7:30-8:30 PM and if the weather conditions are agreeable we will adjourn to our regular observing session on the main field. Please feel free to arrive around 7 PM to set up your telescope. We'll meet in Clifton Hall. Bring your interest, bring a scope/binos, and bring a friend! You don't need any experience, only an interest in all things astronomy. All are welcome! Google Map Available Here

April 11th 2024 General Meeting and Observation Session

  Please join us for our April general meeting and observation session. We'll have a regular general meeting this month, followed by observing under the dark sky conditions at Deer Lake (keep your fingers and toes crossed for good weather!) Please feel free to arrive around 7 PM to set up your telescope. We'll meet in Clifton Hall. Agenda includes: - Club Updates (Upcoming events, Astronomical League Update) - Presentation (Eclipse? Other? TBD) - Socializing (talk about our eclipse experiences!) - Observing Bring your interest, bring a scope/binos, and bring a friend! You don't need any experience, only an interest in all things astronomy. All are welcome! Google Map Available Here:  

Safely Viewing the April 8th 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

 Please download and enjoy our PowerPoint presentation SAFELY VIEWING THE APRIL 8th 2024 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE

March 14th Observing Session Report

Hi All, What a night!  Thank you all for your continued support, here's a rundown of the evening: 1. We all arrived early and had to wait patiently for the sun to set before beginning our observation session.  An action item for me is to reach out and confirm that a 7:30 PM start time for the warmer months will work for Deer Lake.   2. The scouts from Troop 7 in Clinton arrived and shared the night sky with us!  Approximately 12 troops and their family members attended.  They brought a lot of energy and enthusiasm to the observation field and made me feel like we're not only an astronomy club for astronomers but connecting with the local community.   A quick estimate puts the evening's attendance around 18-20 people. Thank you all for your help! 3. We had 9 telescopes on the field tonight!  4 of which were club telescopes and 2 brought by the scouts!   The big red 10" Dob got some good use from everyone and is going home with Lou for a while to be used and enjoyed Paul

Viewing Conditions
